Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Slimmed-Down Restaurant Dishes

OK, just to catch up - the holidays weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be. I didn't lose any more weight, but I didn't gain any either. I didn't pig out, but I didn't deprive myself either, so that's good, right?

Anywho, my niece talked me in to doing a Isagenix cleanse - which I started after the new year. I'm on day 2 of juice and water only. If it gets me over this plateau (yup, another one), then I'll be fine with it. If not, then I'll be really mad as going without food makes me grumpy. I'll let you know.

This morning Spark People sent me an email with a link to 10 Slimmed-Down Restaurant Dishes. In looking them over, they look yummy. When I'm allowed to eat again, I'll have to try one. Again, I'll let you know.